Uniglass – nastro antiabrasivo
For glass, REA/FGD gypsum, metal scraps, or other highly abrasive material
ReadThe mining sector is very technical and therefore requires special high quality products. Our stock includes belts with metal inserts, anti-abrasive belts and many other products suitable for the sector.
For glass, REA/FGD gypsum, metal scraps, or other highly abrasive material
Readlong range conveyors, pipe belts, tape feeders, elevators
ReadArea of operation: long distance and high speeds long conveyor belts for and mines, tunnels, ports, power plants, etc.
Readpower belts, belts subject to tears and stresses, high load elevators, thermal power plants, fertilizer plants, foundries, etc.
ReadIn the loading area the belt is subjected to impacts that can harm the covers and the plies.
ReadCommonly used as a coating on metal drums in the conveyor belt sector or to protect metal surfaces.
ReadRecommended for dust abatement on screeners, conveyor belts, loaders and chutes.